#5: Getting Tipsy

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Episode 5 of the audio version of the Selective Hearing roundtable brings together regulars Tenkei, Boykun, Hiro and Mandy along with Dave from New School Kaidan to discuss Maeda Atsuko getting drunk.
Opening – J-Kwon – Tipsy

The Topic

Maeda Atsuko gets plastered

Was it too soon after her graduation to get liquored up?
Did she just party a little too hard?
Would you have carried her home?

  • Would you have let Nakagawa carry a drunk as fuck Maeda on her back or be a man & carry her on your back instead?
  • Thirdly, would you have roofied both of them & had your way? =P
Under your definition of a scandal, is this one?
Who do you think would win a drinking contest between Nakagawa, Oshima and Maeda & clearly explain why.

Ending – Willow Smith – Whip My Hair

Creators and Guests

#5: Getting Tipsy
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