#7: Sugar Rush

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Episode 7 of the audio version of the Selective Hearing roundtable brings together regulars Tenkei, Boykun, Hiro and Mandy along with Dave with New School Kaidan and Selective Hearing staff member ToZ to discuss AKB48’s Sugar Rush and some hypothetical thinking about idols.
The Topics

Opening – AKB48 – Dear My Teacher

AKB48 featured in Disney movie Wreck-It-Ralph

Will you go to the movies to watch the 5 -7 minutes that AKB48’s music is featured in?

  • Will you leave the theater shortly after their segment is over screaming “I got what I paid for!”
Are you expecting Sugar Rush to be Heavy Rotation part 2?

Do you think they will do the same promotion that Perfume did for Cars 2?

Hypothetical thinking: Idols in bed & other after hours questions

Of all the idols of age that you know of, who do you think would be a demon in the sack? Provide a clear explanation of why Any, or all examples of qualities that they possess can be used for your argument

Conversely, who do you think would be a disappointment?

Who do you see aging gracefully?

Who do you think has peaked early?

Of all the remaining single ladies remaining in idol land, who do you think will get married and / or preggers next?

Would you date an idol if you had the chance to help them break one off or just break the rules in general? If so, who would you consider good dating material? (other than your oshimen.)

Ending – Tom Jones – Sex Bomb

Creators and Guests

#7: Sugar Rush
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