#8: Shuffle Date

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Episode 8 of the audio version of the Selective Hearing roundtable brings together regulars Tenkei, Boykun, ToZ and Mandy along with newcomers Sophie and Uncle Rommel to discuss life, the American election, how one chooses the music they cover for their sites, AKB48’s team shuffles, SNH48 and idol video games.
Opening: Momoiro Clover Z – Mouretsu Uchuu Koukyoukyoku Dainana Gakushou ‘Mugen no Ai’

The Topics

What’s Up With You?:

Catch us up on your life. For new people, tell us a bit about yourself.
America saved Big Bird and made Sesame Street safe again. Pat yourselves on the back.

Internal Review:

Submitted by idol panel member: ToZ

For those who write for or have contributed in some way to a site or podcast:

How do you choose what music you cover?
What is your approach to reviews and general coverage of music?

AKB48’s Team Shuffles:

AKB48’s team shuffle will go into effect Nov 1. With the discontinuation of Team 4, AKB48 is back to 3 teams: Team A, K, and B.

Is there hope for the mythical beast known as “new stages” or are the new teams just going to be singing the same old stuff for eternity?

Are there going to be songs that will not be the same because of the shuffle? (Team B Oshi comes to mind.)

Which of the former Team 4 girls do you think will break out with their promotion into the big 3?


AKB48’s overseas sister group SNH48 (based in Shanghai, China) revealed that 26 girls have passed the first generation audition.

It is stated that the goal is to make this group a nationwide phenomenon much like their Japanese counterparts. Is that possible given your knowledge of Chinese music or Japanese influenced music outside of Japan.

What do you think of the rumors that SNH’s management want zero Japanese involvement with this offshoot of the 48 family.

If the above statement is true, where does this leave those transferred from Japan?

Is it even a good idea to shun involvement from any Japanese part of AKS?

Idol video games:

Submitted by panel member Mandy

What do you think of them?

What or is the future of this sub genre of games?

Would stuff like this ever go mainstream outside of Japan. Like if you could play the Miley Cyrus let’s get high & show my hoo ha game or something like that.

0048 fam has a game, MM had a game. Who is the next idol/idol group to get a game?

Ending: NMB48 – Junjou U-19

#8: Shuffle Date
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